Tag: Cybersmart

Slushy or Slushies

Hello and Welcome back to visiting my blog. Today for the activity , my sister and I were doing this activity together. It was so much fun doing the activity together because we could help each other and draw the slushy together. I really loved doing this activity because I would talk to my sibilngs about what my favourite flavour is of the slushy and why. I will tell you my favourite slushy now that you are here , I really love the Orange Slushy because I like orange colour and also because of the flavour. Thank you for visiting/coming on my blog and please leave a positive, thoughtful and amazing comment on my blog , See ya!


Talofa lava and Welcome to my blog. Today for our holiday blogging activity I was learning and talking about Nerds. Nerds are really small candy that you can eat , the candy is in any different shape and it taste really amazing. This was an amazing activity to do because I love Nerds and also love their flavour and colour. Nerds are my favourite candy because they are just awesome and probably because I love Willy Wonka. Thank you for visiting/coming on my blog and please leave a positive, thoughtful and amazing comment on my blog.

Learning about CookIsland .

Task Description: For today’s task , Me and some other classmates are learning about Cookisland . All we had to do was right some facts about Cookisland and talk about what we are learning today . This was fun because I could do the task together with my sister . Thanky you for listening and please leave a positive , thoughtful and amazing comment on my blog . See you soon!

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