Month: June 2022

my dancing Lego

Task description: Today we did scratch and it was so fun to do and how to do the  sound. We have to just click the sound button to choose a song. And then we go to the code button and then we go to the purple button to put in your song in. But first we have to put the green flag in where it has to be and then we put the song in and then we press the green flag then your lego man wo 


task description: today we did matriki and it was so fun and it took long to finish but i finish 

matriki is the maori new year. it is  a time of remembrance peace and joy.  the nine stars of matriki ane in the sky 

just before dawn. the oater  name for the nine stars are the pleiades. this year in 2022 matriki is are public holiday 

in new zealand.

A Morning Surprise Narrative

task description:

One day there was are octopus  and he was swimming with his family  but then he got lost and then he shouted for help but no and then  he saw someone and he asked if he can help and he said okey and he said where were you walking when you got lost  and he said  we were walking inside are our home  and then i was walking and he said that everything he said.